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Before checking the price

As low as $0.3 per day

Protect your relationship

Risk‑Free Trial – No Credit Card Required

Experience the full power of Checkbb with our free trial. Try it first—it’s free, and we’ll talk about pricing later.

Try It Now

Have Questions? We've Got Answers!

1. How does the free trial work?

Enjoy a one‑time free tracking session for one account—no credit card required! Test our features and see the benefits for yourself.

2. How secure is my data?

Your data is encrypted and stored securely with state‑of‑the‑art cloud service provider. Privacy is our number one priority.

3. How often will my data be updated?

Update frequency depends on your plan. For the free trial, we ensure you get timely insights—more frequent updates are available with premium options later.

4. Will they know I am tracking them?

It is anonymous! The tracking account will not know who is tracking them.

5. Can I switch plans later?

Absolutely! You can explore our free trial now and decide later if you need to upgrade for additional features.

6. What if I'm not satisfied?

We’re confident in Checkbb’s results. We offer a money-back guarantee if you cannot get the data following our instructions.